Learn more inside the post and grab it on Amazon.com!
Quick note to let you know that this ebook is now available. Yay! It was originally going to be a mini ecourse -- but I decided I wanted to publish it instead. Here's the description:
Ready to take another step towards being successful in your Virtual Assistant business? This quick read by VA Coach & Mentor Chela Hardy (author of Noted! Business Lessons Learned from Twenty-Two Years of Virtual Assistance) of AskChela LLC offers up five ways to easily put a plan in place to boost your confidence and move you forward in your career goals.
Key takeaways include learning the importance of:
working with a positive mindset
surrounding yourself with people who will cheer you on
creating and following a simple but consistent client-attracting business development routine
You’ve chosen this amazing entrepreneurial journey. Become a More Confident Virtual Assistant will help you stay on-course with practical tips to help you lessen and move through the challenges that come with running a business.
Head on over to Amazon to pick it up for just 99 cents!
Let me know your thoughts.